
The Light of interaction. Goodwill. Right human relationships.

5.20   -   6.21

The key note of Gemini (the Twins) is “I recognize my other self, and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.”

This is the higher note of the sign

Gemini is an Air sign.
Is first and foremost the direct expression of friendship.
Humanity as a whole is learning to be friends.
The countries will exchange opinions of one another directly, and will hear each other.
Right human relationships will be more in people’s focus. Both the theoretical – like the ability to build a democracy, as well as individual – to build the right relationship within a person – between the consciousness and personality. Consciousness becomes a direct working force.

Gemini – is an ability to accumulate good will for a year ahead, and to direct it – mentally sending this energy to humanity, even in its remotest corners.
Humanity becomes a center of transforming power of thought and good will.
We are learning to become sensitive and think positive, and exchange our good thoughts.
As soon as we understand that a thought can harm another person, we try to transform it and make it harmless.

Right human relationships – when will balances love and wisdom. The example is made of keen and good relationship between people – not just for a few days, but for years.

True interpretation will come and true healing in all department s of human living through a proper understanding of the available potencies and energies pouring into the planet at any particular time.

Excerpts from “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey, Gemini (pp.343-370):

1.This is the second most important full moon festival of the year after Wesak in Taurus last month. It is the festival of Christ, right human relationships, and Good Will on Earth. During this period we distribute the energies we got during the previous Wesak full moon.

2. Gemini  is the force which produces the changes needed for the evolution of soul consciousness in form. It works out the soul in a form at any particular point in time and space.  It is always compatible to the requirement. Fluidity, recognition of duality, soul control – these are the keynotes of this sign.

3. This sign is sometimes called the “constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis.” It governs all the dualities of the zodiac, uniting the opposing constellations.

 4. Gemini is connected with the heart of the sun. They represent love of the whole, Love-Wisdom.

5. Gemini is related to the etheric body. It is the intermediary between soul and body.
When a person is upon the Path of Discipleship his etheric body becomes the transmitter of the soul energy and not of personality force. The power of the personality lessens and wanes whilst that of the soul grows.
The ray of Love Wisdom begins steadily to dominate the vital body, producing the shift of force and intensity to the centers above the diaphragm.

6. Gemini focuses certain fundamental zodiacal influences, producing potent struggle and difficulty characteristic of life on Earth, which leads eventually to the awaking of humanity to full planetary consciousness.

7. Gemini rules the arms and the hands. It also governs the nervous system, and the oxygenation of blood. It also rules the thymus gland. This produces controlled health and chosen immortality.

8. From the angle of final development the twelve signs of the zodiac must become six and this will happen through the fusion in consciousness of the polar opposites.

9. Gemini also forms a point of entrance for cosmic energy from Sirius. Sirius transmits the energies of love-wisdom to our planetary Hierarchy, being its direct Teacher. Masonry is the analogue of the Hierarchy on Earth.

10. The rulers of the sign are Mercury (exoteric) and Venus (esoteric) and the Earth itself (hierarchical)

11. The rulers of the decanates are Jupiter, Mars and the Sun – esoterically, and Mercury, Venus and Saturn –  in the ordinary life.

Gemini is on the Mutable Cross of Heavens. Its opposite on the cross is Sagittarius (the Archer). Rays 4 of Harmony through Conflict, and Ray 5 of Science/Concrete Knowledge and Ray 3 of Active Intellect pour in through this sign.  
